Advisory Board
We are grateful for the support and collaboration of bright and innovative advisers from a wide variety of disciplines.

Betsy Taylor
President, Breakthrough Strategies & Solutions

Richard Heinberg
Senior Fellow, Post Carbon Institute

Adam McKay
Academy Award winning writer and director, The Big Short and Vice

Michael E. Mann
Director, Earth System Science Center. Lead author of the IPCC Third Assessment Report

Laura Dawn
Founder, Art Not War. Former Creative Director for MoveOn.Org

Russell Greene
Senior Adviser on Strategy and Climate Policy, Progressive Democrats of America

Marshall Herskovitz
Emmy-winning writer, director, and producer. President Emeritus of the Producers Guild of America

Jamila Raqib
Executive Director, Albert Einstein Institution and Non-Violent Direct Action Expert

Elizabeth Yeampierre
Executive Director, UPROSE. Former Chair, EPA National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

Ezra Silk
Co-Founder of The Climate Mobilization, Author of The Victory Plan

Gus Speth
Co-Founder Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Former Dean, Yale School of Forestry

Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr
President, Hip Hop Caucus

Lise Van Susteren
Board of Directors, Physicians for Social Responsibility. Co-founder, Climate Psychiatry Alliance

Paul Gilding
Former Executive Director, Greenpeace International. Author, The Great Disruption

David Spratt
Breakthrough Centre for Climate Restoration. Co-author, Climate Code Red

Laurence Delina
Visiting Research Fellow at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future

Tom Weis
President, Climate Crisis Solutions. Co-founder of American Wind Wildlife Institute and creator of Ride for Renewables.

Phillip Sutton
Co-author, Climate Code Red. Manager and Strategist, RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation)

Aileen Getty
Founder and President of the Aileen Getty Foundation. Co-founder Climate Emergency Fund

Margaret Klein Salamon
Executive Director of Climate Emergency Fund, Founder of The Climate Mobilization and Climate Mobilization Project